Join us throughout the week for opportunities to worship the Lord. There are also many opportunities to use your time and talent to serve him at Mass.
Contact welcome@spccnb.org to get connected!

At Saint Paul, we celebrate the Mass every day of the week! We also have several opportunities for Adoration and Confession. You can find all the details here.

Sacraments are an outward sign of inward Grace - the work of the Holy Spirit in his Church! We are honored to help prepare you for these important moments in your spiritual life. You can find details here.

Prayer Groups
Join us for one of our many prayer groups to sustain you throughout the week. All groups meet in the Saint Joseph Chapel behind the fireplace in the Narthex. The One in the Spirit Prayer Group is a charismatic group that meets on Tuesdays at 12 p.m. The Medjugorje prayer group meets on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. The Divine Mercy Chaplet group meets at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. The Fatima Rosary group meets on the 13th of every month at noon.

Altar serving is a beautiful way to participate in the celebration of the Mass. Altar servers are respectful and reverent assistants who take honor in serving the Lord at Mass. Boys and girls, 4th grade and up, are eligible to participate as altar servers. They may continue to serve through high school and later. After completion of training sessions, which are required and offered periodically throughout the year, they serve at Sunday Masses and at special liturgies, as well as at weddings and funerals.
Sign up here. ​​

Lectors proclaim the Word of God by reading Scripture at Mass. Being a reader nourishes one’s personal and spiritual growth as well as promotes a keen awareness of the sacredness of the Mass. The gift needed for this ministry is an ease speaking before large groups in a clear, distinct voice. This week's schedule is available here.
Contact: tanderson@spccnb.org

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound
This ministry is for those Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who have been trained to bring Communion to those who cannot worship with us on Sunday due to illness or advanced age. Through this service, the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion provides a link and connection with the larger parish community, as well as provides an opportunity for prayer and friendship. Membership is a privilege granted by the pastor.
Contact: ordie1@embarqmail.com

Our ushers are an important part of weekend Masses. ​They greet parishioners, assist with passing the collection baskets, and assist with guiding parishioners as they receive Communion. Contact deaconjim@spccnb.org to get involved.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
According to the Church Norms of the Diocese of Raleigh, lay persons are permitted to assist priests in distributing Holy Communion whenever the need arises. Men and women trained in this Ministry should have a deep devotion to the Eucharist,​ be confirmed and 16 years of age, and be in good standing with the Church. For more details on the requirements for this beautiful ministry, please contact the Church.
Contact: tanderson@spccnb.org

Our four choirs provide beautiful music that helps us lift our hearts in worship at each of our weekend Masses.
Contemporary Choir (5:00 p.m. Saturday)
Gospel Choir (8:00 a.m. Sunday)
Chancel Choir (11:00 a.m. Sunday)
Hispanic Choir (1:00 p.m. Sunday)
Contact Us!
If you would like more information about any of these programs, please reach out and we'll make sure you get to the right person!